About Redemption Exports

In May 2010, Shane left his home in Sydney to go on a mission trip to Mt Hagen in the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea. It was there that he met a local Christian woman, Sarah, who was attending the partnering Church that the mission trip was working with in Yupa, Mt Hagen.

Just over a year later, they were married and moved to Sydney together where they began their own family, which now consists of 4 children. As Christians, both Shane and Sarah desire to serve God with all that they have and all that they are.

Redemption Exports was started in 2015 on the streets of Mt Hagen with a small table full of shoes to sell at the local street market. The purpose of beginning this business was that it would, one day, be able to financially support Shane and Sarah’s ministry to both their family and in the local Church, as well as employing local orphans and widows and other needy people.


Our Partnership with You

With local PNG knowledge combined with resources from their new home in Sydney, Shane and Sarah have expanded from the local markets of Mt Hagen to opening up retails shops in other locations in PNG, and now also exports all over the world. Redemption Exports has made a decision to not supply local Australian markets, but has instead opted to reserve all their best quality secondhand shoes, bags, clothes, and bedding for overseas markets.

We seek only to provide a level of quality that we themselves would be happy with. Redemption Exports is committed to building up local businesses overseas by providing a consistent and high quality of goods that will ensure long-term sustainable business for local shops that are, in turn, able to meet the needs of their own customers by demonstrating integrity through customised high-quality products that satisfy each unique local people and their distinct preferences and styles.

Redemption Exports seeks not only to build local business but also establish long-term relationships with people in other countries enabling them to prosper and benefit their own families and local communities by adding value to their communities and local economies.

Trading with Redemption Exports


New Clients: All new clients with Redemption Exports will be required to pay a 60% deposit to commence an order, with the final remaining amount being required to be paid prior to being shipped.  

Existing Clients: Credit accounts are available on specific net terms for established qualifiying clients.